Redwood Creek Habitat
Enhancement Project Design

Aquatic habitat within Redwood Creek is impaired primarily due to excessive fine sediment, lack of habitat complexity, low dry-season flows, and increased water temperature. Redwood Creek, although impaired, also supports an important population of salmon and requires habitat improvement to preserve the species. Stillwater Sciences is currently assessing Redwood Creek with the goal to enhance salmonid habitat by providing refuge for salmonids during high winter flows, providing deep pools offering cover and rearing habitat in the summer, and reducing bank erosion that is threatening landowner infrastructure.

To develop the enhancement design, Stillwater conducted a field survey collecting data related to site topography, geomorphology, trees, roads, etc. Topographic data was compiled with existing LiDAR to create a combined Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in AutoCAD Civil 3D. Based on the DEM, geomorphic assessment, hydraulic modeling, and other opportunities and constraints, Stillwater developed conceptual design alternatives for instream habitat enhancement.

Redwood Creek, South Fork Eel River, California
Eel River Watershed Improvement Group
Joel Monschke
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