Fish Passage
Thousands of culverts, dikes, diversions, dams, and other artificial barriers have been constructed within waterways for irrigation, flood control, electricity, water supply, and transportation. Local governments in charge of these barriers need practical and sometimes creative solutions to provide passage to fish over these barriers. Stillwater combines a thorough understanding of fisheries biology, geomorphic and hydrologic processes, engineering principles, and construction methods to effectively design and implement fish passage projects. Our project experience includes:
- An in-depth understanding of multi-species fish passage requirements
- Culvert passage analysis and use of FishXing software
- Geomorphic assessments
- Hydraulic modeling
- Sediment transport modeling
- Engineering and design support
- Construction-related fish rescue and relocation planning and implementation
- Permitting support and endangered species consultations
- Construction monitoring
- Pre- and post-construction fish habitat and population monitoring