Wendy Katagi
Senior Manager, Watershed and Ecosystem Restoration Services
Wendy has managed large-scale restoration programs focused on biodiversity, threatened and endangered species recovery, watershed and regional planning, pilot project implementation, fish passage, integrated water resource/water quality management, green infrastructure, public access, and urban stream/lake restoration–aligning policy, planning, and practice to assist clients with multi-benefit drivers. Wendy, a Certified Environmental Professional, has over 30 years experience in managing award-winning watershed programs, pilot projects, and in directing large multi-disciplinary teams of engineers, planners, scientists, and constructors. She is currently directing biodiversity programs in the LA River watershed and upper tributaries intentionally connecting to adjacent watersheds throughout Southern California. Stillwater’s LA office has completed a trails master plan for the 5,000-acre Upper Santa Ana River Wash, multiple pilot projects such as Urban Orchard Park, Glenoaks Greenway, Trabuco Creek steelhead fish passage, and now leading the LA River Fish Passage and Habitat Structures design for the City of LA. Stillwater’s geomorphologists, ecologists, engineers, and planners have completed design and engineering review of San Bernardino kangaroo rat, Santa Ana sucker, southern steelhead, unarmored three-spine stickleback, arroyo chub, and least Bells vireo projects throughout Southern California. Wendy is overseeing Stillwater’s team in creating biodiversity and integrated water management tools to increase public access to nature in high park need areas throughout LA County. She’s serving on LA County’s regional planning technical advisory committee for Significant Ecological Areas, City of LA’s Biodiversity Expert Council, and LA River Environmental Flows TAC. She has an extensive background in regulatory compliance and grant funding, totaling over $240 million (Santa Ana Watershed) in integrated planning and projects. She managed a large watershed-wide stakeholder program to develop 20 Prop O projects for the City of LA’s $500 million Clean Beaches and Rivers initiative to meet TMDLs while providing multiple benefit projects ranging from wetlands/lake rehabilitation (Machado Lake and Echo Park Lake) to green streets in strategic sites throughout the LA River Watershed.
Education: B.A., Social Ecology
Certifications: Certified Environmental Professional, Academy of Board-Certified Environmental Professionals; Certified Project Management Associate (CDMU, Project Management Institute)