Travis Stroth
River Scientist/Restoration Engineer
Travis specializes in watershed restoration analysis, design, and implementation by integrating engineering, geomorphology, hydrology, hydraulics, and ecology. He also has experience on a variety of watershed assessment and master planning projects. He is well-versed in hydrology and 1D/2D hydraulic modeling, sediment transport modeling, and field/desktop-based geomorphic assessments utilizing CAD, GIS, HEC-RAS, and SRH-2D in SMS. He also has expertise creating design and sediment transport analysis tools using R and VBA programming languages. Travis joined Stillwater in 2019 to expand our restoration design capabilities and restoration team in Colorado. In his free time, he enjoys traveling with his wife, writing and performing music, working on his car, and playing a variety of sports.
Education: M.S., Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering/Stream Restoration and River Mechanics; B.S. Mechanical Engineering