Patrick Hendrix
Environmental Scientist
Patrick has over 25 years of experience conducting botanical surveys, wetland assessments, and fish and wildlife studies. His expertise includes vegetation monitoring, special-status plant species surveys, plant taxonomy, and wetland delineation and functional assessment. Patrick’s wetland work spans a wide variety of wetland types throughout Oregon and Washington. His broad-based experience includes fish and wildlife habitat assessments, sampling fish populations, and conducting radio telemetry studies of Pacific giant salamanders, western painted turtles, California black bears, blacktail deer, and bats. Each year Patrick leads a long-term vegetation monitoring project to evaluate riparian enhancement projects throughout the Tualatin Basin for Clean Water Services. He also periodically collects vegetation monitoring data at parks and natural areas for Metro Regional Government. Patrick is an avid bicycle commuter and, when not working, he enjoys hiking, backpacking, and camping with his family.
Education: B.S., Botany; B.S., Cellular Molecular Biology