Nate Butler, PhD
Environmental Engineer
Nate has a background in environmental engineering specializing in water quality, hydrology, surface water-groundwater interactions, and modeling. He has six years of experience spanning academia, government, and consulting with projects throughout central and coastal California. Nate has worked on a range of projects including surface water-groundwater monitoring, synthesis of large hydrology datasets, fisheries programs, technical evaluations of Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) alternative groundwater sustainability plans, and stream temperature, hyporheic, and subsurface heat transport modeling. He was the principal investigator for studies of thermal refugia in rivers to quantify the influence of surface-subsurface (hyporheic and groundwater) exchange on riverine thermal conditions for salmonids. Nate has also led hydrologic analysis and modeling for several reservoir operation projects in coastal California river systems to balance fisheries and water supply needs. In his free time, Nate enjoys snorkeling, kayaking, hiking, Ceili dancing, and reading about history, culture, and trade.
Education: Ph.D., Environmental Engineering; M.S., Environmental Engineering; B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering