Bruce Orr, PhD
Principal/Senior Ecologist
Bruce has over 40 years of experience in population and community ecology of aquatic, terrestrial, and wetland environments in the western United States. He specializes in natural resources inventory and management planning, ecological restoration, wetlands and freshwater ecology, riparian vegetation dynamics, flora and vegetation of the western United States, and aquatic entomology. He is experienced in wetland delineation and functional assessment, threatened and endangered species surveys, plant community classification and mapping, mitigation planning, and environmental impact assessment. Bruce has managed a number of complex, multi-year projects involving interdisciplinary teams conducting natural resource inventories, assessments, and watershed analysis in a variety of habitats; developing natural resource management, habitat conservation, and river corridor restoration plans; and producing environmental impact assessment documents. Bruce is frequently invited to speak about restoration ecology, and in recent years he has developed and taught various professional program short courses, including wetland delineation, wetland restoration ecology, ecological restoration of riparian habitats, and watershed management. He serves a variety of science advisory committees, including the SFEI-anta Clara Valley Water District’s Science Hub and Coyote Creek Restoration Technical Advisory Committee, the SFEI Google Ecology Resilient Silicon Valley Regional Science Advisory Committee, and the City of Los Angeles Biodiversity Expert Panel, to provide expertise on riparian and aquatic ecology, restoration, and management. Bruce has been a member of the California Native Plant Society’s Vegetation Committee since 1993.
Education: Ph.D., Entomology (Aquatic Entomology/Aquatic and Wetland Ecology); BA, Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies
Permits Held: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 10(a)1(A) recovery permit (#TE237086-0) for California freshwater shrimp (Syncaris pacifica); California Department of Fish and Wildlife Scientific Collecting Permit (SC #6032) for freshwater fishes, anadromous fishes, freshwater invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians; California Department of Fish and Wildlife California ESA Plant Voucher Collecting Permit No. 2081(a)-13-133-V