Anthony (AJ) Keith
Senior Aquatic Ecologist
AJ has almost 30 years of experience in aquatic and terrestrial ecology, specializing in the quantification of river fish populations and their habitat and investigation of the links between terrestrial processes and stream habitats for fish, amphibians, and invertebrates. He manages and leads technical investigations for a variety of projects involving interdisciplinary teams and multiple stakeholders, including river restoration plans, habitat conservation plans, and environmental impact assessments. Although his training and experience span a broad range of ecosystems and organisms, the majority of AJ’s recent work has focused on the ecology, management, and restoration of Pacific salmon and steelhead populations. He specializes in aquatic habitat assessments, salmonid limiting factors analyses, and watershed analysis. AJ enjoys skiing, camping, hiking, cycling, cooking, international travel, SCUBA diving, and photography.
Education: M.A., Ecology and Systematic Biology; B.S., Environmental, Population, and Organismal Biology
Permits Held: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 10(a)1(A) recovery permit (#TE198917-1) for tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi); California Department of Fish and Game Scientific Collecting Permit (SCP #4100) for freshwater fishes, anadromous fishes, freshwater invertebrates