Stillwater’s wildlife biologists have extensive experience conducting field surveys for the species listed below. 

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Amphibians & Reptiles

California tiger salamander
Southern torrent salamanders
Del Norte salamander
Larch Mountain salamander
Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog*
Foothill yellow-legged frog*
California red-legged frog*
Northern red-legged frog
Oregon spotted frog
Cascades frog
Alameda whipsnake*
San Francisco garter snake*
Giant garter snake
Western painted turtle
Western pond turtle*
Coastal tailed frog


Northern spotted owl
California spotted owl*
Great gray owl
Burrowing owl
Northern goshawk*
Swainson’s hawk
Bald eagle*
Peregrine falcon
Marbled murrelet
Ridgway’s rail
California black rail
Western snowy plover
Willow flycatcher
Bank swallow
Western yellow-billed cuckoo
Southwestern willow flycatcher
Least Bell’s vireo
Greater sandhill crane
Trumpeter swan
Pileated woodpecker
Streaked horned lark
Purple martin


Pacific fisher
San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat
Salt marsh harvest mouse
San Joaquin kit fox
Myotis species (bats)*
Western mastiff bat*
Pallid bat*
Western red bat*
Townsend’s big-eared bat*
Giant kangaroo rat


Valley elderberry longhorn beetle
California freshwater shrimp*
Vernal pool fairy shrimp
Western bumblebee

* Federal and/or State permit held

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